Monday, September 22, 2008

Wrap The Homeless

"Wrap the Homeless".

Wrap the homeless is a great opportunity to give some that you have been blessed with! Wrap the homeless in the past has provided clothes, diapers, coats and other winter items, socks, under garments and much more!
Here's how you can help!

Wrap the Homeless collecting the following :
Peanut Butter, Jelly/Jam, Bread, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes

There has been some great deals on these in the past and people might have an extra or two they can share froom their stockpile.

Any questions can come to Tami Kromer at or 810-444-7593

1 comment:

SimplyTamiK said...

I forgot to add personal hygiene stuff too. Soap, shampoo, etc. Thanks!